I really like this mask, and agree that it is very comfortable. The seal that touches your face is very soft. I had no sore spots from it that I needed to develop into calluses. It is very light.
Helped by JDeiley's comment above, I purchased the mask and headgear separately, because the headgear is available in a large size that way. I needed it, and haven't had his problem.
As a side sleeper, I have some leakage when I turn over, but it doesn't last long, and can usually be adjusted out. I overtightened the headgear for a while, but that's not a good idea.
The mask does blow air straight out the front, and it will be felt by a spouse nearby. A pillow in between is required.
I sometimes need to cover my eyes because of light in the room, and I'm pleased that I can actually do it with this mask. I plan to buy another one of these when this one is worn out.