Eson Replacement Cushion

SKU: 400HC127
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This Eson Replacement Seal utilizes cutting-edge RollFit Seal technology, maximizing comfort and reducing pressure on the bridge of the nose.

Product Features

The Eson RollFit Seal rolls back and forth on the bridge of the nose to adjust automatically. In doing so, the RollFit Technology reduces pressure on the bridge of the nose. The RollFit Seal enhances sealing performance and stability.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
catherine h.
Rain cushiob

It hurts I can’t use it so I will be cancelling our continuation. I only tried it for one night and I had the worse pain I have ever had using a cushion. Something is wrong with the hard part it’s also hard to get on

Kenny E.
Kenny E

I've been using this mask for a week after Phillips Resperonics discontinued the only mask that really worked for me after trying about 5! I'm a flip flopper and it's hard for me to find any that really hold a seal over time. So far, this one has worked pretty well. I don't really like the fit as well as my old Phillips mask that had the double silicone seal...this is a single. But it is at least a somewhat suitable substitute. Although they don't recommend tightening the head strap as tight as I have too to maintain a good seal throughout the night. I refuse to go with another Phillips brand after they DC'd my other model, (which I had spare seals for, but can't acquire new headgear now) no doubt, in order to profit from a completely new product. This one is worth a try.


Its not bulky. Fits well ate stays firm. You gotta try this. You have to really roll into the pillow to break this seal.